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WASHINGTON — China’s Communist government is waging a covert operation to influence members of Congress into supporting pro-Beijing policies, the Director of National Intelligence said Thursday.

In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal, DNI boss John Ratcliffe warned that officials in China were engaged in a “massive influence campaign” which targeted US lawmakers with six times the frequency of Russia and 12 times that of Iran.

“This year China engaged in a massive influence campaign that included targeting several dozen members of Congress and congressional aides,” Ratcliffe wrote.

The intelligence chief warned of a scenario where Chinese-owned manufacturing facilities employing thousands of Americans could influence union chiefs to turn against lawmakers supporting disadvantageous policies — or risk losing their jobs.

“The union leader contacts his congresswoman and indicates that his members won’t support her re-election without a change in position. He tells himself he’s protecting his members, but in that moment he’s doing China’s bidding, and the congresswoman is being influenced by China, whether she realizes it or not,” Ratcliffe wrote.

“Our intelligence shows that Beijing regularly directs this type of influence operation in the U.S,” he went on. “To address these threats…

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